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Short squeeze in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2020-12-24Updated:2020-12-24
Similar words: credit squeezesqueezesqueezersqueeze insqueeze forsqueeze outsqueeze bysqueeze into
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(1) In fact , a short squeeze is possible.
(2) In addition, the short squeeze occurring in gold will provide substantial technical price expansion, even in the absence of dollar devaluation.
(3) Investors face the additional risk of being caught in a "short squeeze", when the price of a stock is pushed up and short-sellers have to cover their positions.
(4) As the euro started to rise[], investors who had bet against the single currency were also forced to buy back euros to cut their losses in what is known as a "short squeeze."
(5) And in the past week, following a short squeeze that led some investors to trim positions, the euro has found some stability.
(6) This gold-price expansion, set off by the massive short squeeze, will continue until gold prices reflect gold supply and Federal Reserve liabilities in circulation.
(7) A short squeeze is when prices rise sharply as investors cover short positions by buying shares.
(8) As a result, when the market turns upward a "short squeeze" can develop as traders seek to cover their positions by scrambling to buy back shares.
(9) The result: a short squeeze exacerbated by a series of bullish comments from banking executives.
(10) Standard's Dickson however, believes the short squeeze higher on the euro is almost done since the currency has rallied quite a bit from its low in September.
(11) If we see a major silver shortage and a real short squeeze, silver could literally rise to hundreds of dollars per ounce overnight.
(12) When prices are being forced up or down as investors rush to cut their losses. A short squeeze is when prices ...
(13) The August stock market mini - crash I predicted was also a short squeeze for cash.
(14) We are not yet seeing anything that resembles a short squeeze, although one could occur at any time.
(15) But traders and other market observers are saying this is a unique kind of short squeeze, because in just a matter of days shares of Citigroup have become almost impossible to borrow.
More similar words: credit squeezesqueezesqueezersqueeze insqueeze forsqueeze outsqueeze bysqueeze intosqueeze headsqueeze throughshortsshort saleshortstopshort-stayshort stopshort sleepshort storyshort sleeveundershortsshort shriftshort sellingin short supplyshortsightedshort-sightedshort-staffedsqueezinglongs and shortsbermuda shortssqueezableshort statement
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